Book Review – LOVE OBJECTS by Bloomsbury

LOVE OBJECTS – Edited by Anna Moran and Sorcha O’Brien
ISBN 978-1-4725-1719-7
(published August 2014 by Bloomsbury)
RRP £19.99
List of Illustrations
Notes on Contributors
Editors’ foreword
Four Main Sections
Fifteen contributors: consisting of doctorate and degree holders, and academics, who all use the literary writer’s style of language which is channeled in essays with particular intention. An anthology then (a collection of literary works), but remaining a book that will sit in the non-fictional category of any book seller outlets. 166 Pages of lengthy text (in small fonts) where commentators are critically exploring, with great intensity and insightfulness, the emotional relationship people have with objects.
Photographic Images: there are a fair few, half page in the main and printed in black and white.
For anyone studying or having avid interest in Art History and Family Histories, people observation; symbolic representation (religious or otherwise); arts and crafts; the material world, sexualized goods; vintage and retro goods, heritage and memory tracing activities – you will find the content in this book candidly revealing.

Available on Amazon here


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