Debbie Shore's SEWING ROOM SECRETS - Book Review


Published by Search Press Books January 2019

RRP £9.99


96 Pages

Debbie's Quick (useful) Tips

Insight into Debbie's sewing room(s) = storage tips

Sewing machines: parts and accessories

Sewing tools and equipment

Sewing materials

Hints and tips on stitching/stitches, seams and cutting, hems etc., Plus 10 sewing projects relating to particular techniques and skills covered



Author, Debbie Shore tells of how she remembers her seamstress mother making clothing and up-cycling textiles into new things, and how her mother served the wider community with her dressmaking skills. Debbie acknowledges that lessons her mother taught her have been influential, and how she, and husband Garie, (a professional photographer), have built on early connections with book publisher - Search Press Books - to develop the 'Debbie Shore' brand in print, and subsequently, through various media channels too.

Range of information

Information and tip sharing is ideal for a beginner, or perhaps someone working at intermediate level on projects who still has questions that need answering; and who has further things to learn about machine sewing so to be more confident in what they are doing.

The ' how to do' sewing projects are small and not too ambitious to undertake, they include a pincushion; a bag, case; purse, things like that. All projects are fully achievable if instructions are followed closely. The projects help with getting to grips with various techniques under separate headings. For example, a Scatter Cushion project requires making piping and the insertion of a hidden zip; whereas, the Machine Mat details is a quilting project. Generally, three or four pages devoted to each project 9/10

Quality of information
My preconception of the book, going by the title alone, was that it was going to be a useful 'manual' in regard to sewing machine hardware/software and mechanical/operational info. A one-stop reference point for REALLY getting to know the sewing machine, its comparable make-up and functions, and accessories available; with troubleshooting tips thrown in.
The book is only 96 pages long, and where (though to a lesser degree) it does offer up the info I had hoped for; the second half of the book contains projects. So this is largely another project book (though there's no mention of that on the front cover)., it is a sewing craft book which provides an overview of equipment and materials, detailing the skills required to make something quite charming, though largely unexciting, using fabric.
I was disappointed to not see different contributing factors to the content of the book; something more researched perhaps than simply experience based 8/10

A book full of Headings and scattered Sub-Headings so information is organised very well and presented clearly. Full colour photography throughout and meticulous step-by-step photographs 9/10

Though I will probably not be inclined to undertake any projects, I know I will refer to this book frequently for information and reassurance when I am sewing. It will help me, particularly, to finally get a grasp of free motion embroidery and to bias bind my quilts. Also in helping to identify which machine 'feet' to use with different stitching and hemming requirements.
I feel that there is enough in the book for it to become part of my moveable sewing 'kit' at all times, so relieving me of the need to seek out separate instruction booklets and to conduct less YouTube video searches for information. Thank you.


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