In Common - poem by debra hall

In Common

Like you, I trekked the woods and stepped the stones,

then swept the dry earth-floor of the den.

Our teatimes were probably cold meat with jelly led; no bones,

followed by pre-watershed telly,

Then under the sheets with library book and torch; and asleep by ten.

Like you, I filled my brain with travel exploration and stories,

a lone nature mission so determined to fulfil.

I shared your love of collecting, sticking, drawing and writing diaries.

Though, there are differences that separate our early pea-pod glories,

because you knew your soul mate first and I am thankful for his connection still.

Like you, and he, marriage happened for us; adventure plans put on hold.

We fixed the house! Ran a car and had household bills to pay.

We looked up at the clouds as we lay with our loves on the grass.

Replacing holiday dreams with thoughts of new paths in the sun.

You left your hand print on your home, and I too, am bold in that way, to this day.

This is where the fictional path separates from real life.

But I know buried dreams are sad when other priorities over ride.

He thought he had failed his spirited, vivacious, darling wife.

But at the end you knew your true adventure had been your life with him.

So, I connect with the old man’s determination to fly in your memory and to not hide.

by debra hall


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